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Applying to The Forest School

The application process and information for moving from primary to secondary school, Year 6 into Year 7 is managed by Wokingham Borough Council.

In-year Admissions

In-year admissions are referred to where a student starts at a school outside the time they would normally start - Year 7 or sixth form entry is normally in September.  As a stand-alone academy we manage our own in-year admissions process.

For more information regarding admission to The Forest School, please click here and complete this form, and a member of the admissions team will be in contact shortly.

Currently we accept in year admissions for girls only into Year 7 and for boys Years 7-11.

Our published admission number, or PAN as it is commonly referred to, for 2024-25 is 210.  The PAN is the number of students in each year group that the admission authority has agreed will be admitted without causing problems for the school. To view The Forest School Admissions Policy click here.

The admissions arrangements for all mainstream academies and free schools must comply with the School admissions code and the School admission appeals code.

For enquiries regarding admissions and to submit your in-year application, please click here to download the In-Year Admissions Application form, email: admissions@forest.academy

To find out more about what we do for those who may need additional support, follow the links below.

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Apply for a place at secondary school

For enquiries regarding and to submit your application for an in-year admission to The Forest School, please email admissions@forest.academy 

The Appeals process

This is managed on our behalf by Wokingham Borough Council. Should you wish to appeal, click the following link:


Objections can be made to the Office of the School’s Adjudicator by 15th May each year. However, anyone or body cannot object to the admission number. All consultation information is available in the regulations


Residents of other authorities

Residents of other local authorities in England must apply to their home authority for schools in the Wokingham Borough. For a copy of the Council's In-year guide and further information on the application process, follow the following link


For any information or to discuss an In-Year Admission please contact our admissions team via email:


The catchment, or designated area, for The Forest School is any property whose council tax is paid to Wokingham Borough Council as determined by the designated area map.

Please click this link to find your catchment area

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